I'm Fucking Thirty

Monday, July 8, 2019

Hello Thirty! It's your favorite single white female addicted to retail, sugar, sleep, and numerous other things. I am not really able to dissect turning 30 and how I feel about it. I actually don't know what I had envisioned for myself at this age. I think I knew at 25 that my life was gonna be a big ol' mess with no white picket fence for many years to come. Therefore, I'm diving right into providing you with 30 lessons from yours truly.

29 And Feeling...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I haven't decided how I feel yet. I can tell you it's not sad because I'm old. As my mom would ask, "are you having a hard time with it?" Nope, that's not it. Maybe I'm PMSing. Maybe I'm exhausted from my plate being full, metal, and put in the microwave to then catch on fire. Maybe I haven't eaten anything green and leafy in a week and I'm crashing from a sugar high. There are a lot of maybes.

My Story

Friday, June 8, 2018

Two suicides in one week. Two famous suicides atleast. Because on average there are 121 a day. Did you know suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America? Ahead of homocide at 16. We’ve been real vocal about guns and gun violence this year, can we give #10 a moment?

New Beginnings

Friday, February 2, 2018

I am beyond superstitious. I knock on wood, four times to be exact. I believe if you start watching a sporting event in one spot you'll jinx your team if you leave and watch elsewhere. I don't put new shoes on a table, instant bad luck. I eat my fortune cookies after reading my fortunes, mainly because I like the taste but also because I heard you're supposed to for the fortune to come true. And I definitely keep my mouth shut until things are in writing.

A Fish in a Sea of F*ckboys

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Raise your hand if you're single. Now raise your hand if you've ever been frustrated by boys, men, man children.  Keep your hand up if you've been personally victimized by Regina George and disappointingTinder/Bumble/Hinge matches. Welcome. Welcome to our sisterhood.

This is 28.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My hope was to be writing this from that wine bar, with a glass of rosé, that you all probably think I live at by this point. But I'm not. I'm in my pajamas watching Bravo. Which really are the only two places you'll find me. That and shopping for shoes.

I'm 26, bitches!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

I can’t believe a year has passed since the first time I decided to put my thoughts on the Internet. It kind of feels like nothing has changed, so I guess 26 needs some big goals. I like that my birthday falls about halfway through the year. I can look back at the last 6 months where I didn’t do any of my New Year’s Resolutions and pretend I’ll do them this second half. We’ll see. 

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