29 And Feeling...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I haven't decided how I feel yet. I can tell you it's not sad because I'm old. As my mom would ask, "are you having a hard time with it?" Nope, that's not it. Maybe I'm PMSing. Maybe I'm exhausted from my plate being full, metal, and put in the microwave to then catch on fire. Maybe I haven't eaten anything green and leafy in a week and I'm crashing from a sugar high. There are a lot of maybes.

I didn't want to share a blog for my birthday but it's traditionally my reason for writing and I figured even if it's not full of cheese and smiles I'll still do it. I don't have much to say right now. I'd actually prefer some quiet, Southern Charm, and a fudge fancy. What I definitely don't want is to renew my license. I went to the DMV and it was a 3 hour wait so I left. I went to just do it online and they told me the website was down for maintenance. So please send some birthday wishes that I don't get ID'd in the meantime.

You know the drill. I give you a list of lessons learned over 12 months and you tell me how (insert adjective) I am. How's 9 short and sweet bullet points for ya?

  1. Nothing on Instagram is real. We all know (and often forget) that it's the world's highlight reel. But what I've learned is EVERYTHING is edited. And not just a filter. Like girls change everything. Making themselves skinnier, smoother, brighter, etc. So take those posts (even my own) with a grain of salt. 
  2. I don't think we ever feel like adults. I still feel 12 years old. Please if you feel like an adult, let me know what turn of events made you feel that way. 
  3. Turning your phone off for 12 hours can feel so refreshing. Just don't get upset when you turn it back on and no one texted you to make sure you're alive. 
  4. Meeting new people can be scary but also fun. Talking about yourself to someone who doesn't know you is a chance to remind yourself of the fun facts that make you special. 
  5. Being easy going is a lovely quality. But make sure you don't confuse "easy going" with having low standards and letting people take advantage of you. Being chill isn't that cool when someone starts walking all over you. 
  6. Instead of apologizing when you're late or screw something up say "thank you". Ex) Sorry I'm late. >> Thank you for waiting for me. Sorry this took so long. >> Thank you for being patient with me.  Sorry I am crazy. >>Thank you for not pushing me off a bridge. 
  7. Running still sucks but I might WILL finally cross a half marathon off my bucket list this year.
  8. It can be soo tempting to vent and tell people the frustrating things going on in your life. But everyone LOVES drama and to harp on the bad stuff. There will be times this back fires on you. Have a trusted pal and a journal handy for the scenarios where you may later wish you kept your mouth shut. 
  9. I joke a lot and you'll hear me quote Eleanor Roosevelt often but seriously "do one thing everyday that scares you". Whether that's performing in a hip hop recital, attending a networking event solo, or drunk texting that guy who ghosted you 8 months ago (jk) - going out of your comfort zone is good. 
  10. (An extra for good measure). You can be the most confident, complete person but just because you love yourself a lot does not mean there is no room for growth. The journey does not end when you've learned to love yourself.  When I was 25 I thought I was the baddest bitch, ya'll could not touch me. At 29 I still like being Annie most days but I'm realizing I have room for improvement in my communication, ability to be vulnerable, and a million other areas. 
Thanks for reading. Thanks for following along. Thanks for being here and thanks for being you. And thank you NYS for not making me renew my license and turn 30 in the same year. That'd be a recipe for emotional break down disasters. 

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